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Whoever happens to stop by this blog may wonder why I started it. Whenever I read news stories online I always like to put a face to the story. So I got to thinking maybe other people would as well. I always keep up on WV news and most stories don't have the mugshots with them so I hunt them up online and post them with the story. It's not that hard and I don't know why the state news sites don't do it

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Man gets 22 years for robbing disabled man

A man who robbed his disabled victim at gunpoint, then threw his cane into the woods and drove away laughing will spend 22 years in prison.

Berkeley County Circuit Judge Christopher Wilkes also ordered 20-year-old Andrew Creager of Bunker Hill to pay $563 in restitution. The victim had just cashed his disability check.

Prosecutors wanted a 40-year sentence, citing Creager's criminal record and another pending indictment.

The robbery occurred in January 2008 as the victim looked for a ride to a friend's house.

Creager also stole his mobile phone and medication container, then left the man stranded on a dirt road near the Eastern West Virginia Regional Airport.

Creager apologized to his victim Monday and said he's trying to change his life.


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