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The 2009 Weblog Awards
Whoever happens to stop by this blog may wonder why I started it. Whenever I read news stories online I always like to put a face to the story. So I got to thinking maybe other people would as well. I always keep up on WV news and most stories don't have the mugshots with them so I hunt them up online and post them with the story. It's not that hard and I don't know why the state news sites don't do it

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Marion County Murder Suspect Pleads Not Guilty

FAIRMONT -- A Marion County man has pleaded not guilty to first degree murder.
Samuel Rollins, 18, was arraigned Thursday in front of Judge David Janes.

The police arrested Rollins in late June, for allegedly shooting Christopher Martin to death.

Janes continued Rollins' trial until the February 2010 term of court.

Janes also denied a second motion from Rollins' attorney for a bond reduction and home confinement.

Rollins remains in the North Central Regional Jail.


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