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Whoever happens to stop by this blog may wonder why I started it. Whenever I read news stories online I always like to put a face to the story. So I got to thinking maybe other people would as well. I always keep up on WV news and most stories don't have the mugshots with them so I hunt them up online and post them with the story. It's not that hard and I don't know why the state news sites don't do it

Sunday, November 15, 2009

6 counts of animal cruelty

An Elkins man is behind bars after police find several malnourished puppies in his home

25-year old Christopher Knotts is charged with six counts of animal cruelty.

Police say the puppies were covered in feces and their stomachs were bloated.

A local veterinarian also saw the puppies and says they were malnourished, dehydrated and their feet were scalded and peeling because they had been standing in urine and stool.

Knotts is being held in the Tygart Valley Regional Jail.

Elkins Police were assisted by the Humane Officer of Randolph County.


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