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Whoever happens to stop by this blog may wonder why I started it. Whenever I read news stories online I always like to put a face to the story. So I got to thinking maybe other people would as well. I always keep up on WV news and most stories don't have the mugshots with them so I hunt them up online and post them with the story. It's not that hard and I don't know why the state news sites don't do it

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Ruggles pleads guilty of incest at trial

A local man accused of incest entered a guilty plea recently on the second day of his trial.

Billy James Ruggles, 32, entered a guilty plea to incest on the second day of his court trial. According to Logan Prosecuting Attorney John Bennett, Ruggles faced multiple charges on two victims.

Court documents said Ruggles may face the Habitual Criminal Act.

In his plea agreement, Ruggles pleaded guilty to incest and stated he was addicted to pain pills, was under the care of a physician for a mental disorder and has a short-term memory problem. In Ruggles’ plea agreement, he said the victim came to his room and ‘We talked, kissed and eventually had sex."

Ruggles faces 5-15 years in prison. In return for the guilty plea, three other charges against him were dismissed. Ruggles is lodged in the Southwestern Regional Jail at Holden awaiting sentencing.


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