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Whoever happens to stop by this blog may wonder why I started it. Whenever I read news stories online I always like to put a face to the story. So I got to thinking maybe other people would as well. I always keep up on WV news and most stories don't have the mugshots with them so I hunt them up online and post them with the story. It's not that hard and I don't know why the state news sites don't do it

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Brief standoff leads to arrest

PIE — A Mingo county man was arrested after allegedly holding his wife hostage at Pie yesterday evening.

Mingo County Sheriff’s Department Chief Deputy James Smith said this morning that David Burgess of Pie was arrested and charged with domestic assault and three counts of obstructing after he allegedly threatened to kill his wife and anyone who entered their residence Monday around 4:30 p.m.

"It was a scary situation," Smith said.

According to Smith, the police report stated that Burgess's wife said her husband had been just come from an appointment at the Logan-Mingo Mental Health clinic in Chattaroy and they were on their way home when he developed road rage over another car on the highway and started passing vehicles.

Smith said the report stated that the road rage escalated into Burgess telling his wife he would kill her and anyone who entered their residence at Pie.

Smith said Burgess loaded a .38 pistol and a .410 shotgun and then called St. Mary's Hospital in Huntington and officials at the hospital called Mingo County 911 and alerted police to the threat.

Smith said the wife locked herself in a bedroom and deputies gained entrance to the home after they called for Burgess from loudspeakers and his daughter came outside to tell police her father was laying on the couch.

When deputies entered the home, Burgess was laying on the couch and was not in possession of the weapons, Smith said.

According to the report, Burgess was placed on the ground and cuffed by the deputies.

Sgt. James Muncy, Cpl. P. Muncy and Deputy Kevin Ball made the arrest. Burgess was transported to the Southwestern Regional Jail, where he was booked and lodged.

Smith said the hostage situation took about an hour to resolve and everyone got out unharmed.


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